About us


Hi I’m Alex.

I was destined to work with board games since before I was born. My parents met playing Bridge at Rice University, and have been a part of family gatherings ever since. As someone who grew up in the digital age, I have often found technology isolating and needed the fun and socialization that board games provide. My goal with TAG is to provide the space that I wish I had as a child, an alternative to video games.


Hi I’m Joe.

I’m a roleplaying game designer and games educator. I’ve worked in schools and afterschool programs for most of my life, even when I was a kid myself. Games have helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life, and they’ve helped me grow into the best version of myself. I started The Academy of Games to pass that on to other kids.


Our most central belief, above and beyond all others, is that boardgames are for everyone. Making games accessible and available is something that benefits all people everywhere. They give us a break from our stressful lives, they help us deal with the problems before us, and they let us see the world in new and wonderful ways. Whether in the classroom or the boardroom, games have limitless potential to make our lives better. We put up so many walls in the world. This is one we’d like to help break down with your help. Just look and see how much better life can be when you throw in some playfulness.


Reinforce critical thinking, logic, patience, and decision-making,
all while being part of a greater community.